Welcome to the SGD house
A world first: Monday, the first SDG House in the world was officially opened at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT).
The SDG House is a community formed by the companies and organizations based in KIT, all contributing to the realization of the SDGs—the Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 targets were drawn up by the United Nations in 2015 and seek to put an end to poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. Or: they must have made the world “a better place” in 2030, the UN writes.
The SDGs are the successors of the eight Millennium Development Goals that were drawn up in 2000. While the millennium development goals were of paramount importance, the SDGs focus more on sustainability. Another important difference is that the Millennium Development Goals spoke of needing help from ‘rich’ countries to ‘poor’ countries, where the SDGs apply to all countries. They are:

All 48 organizations that are based in KIT, including Fairfood, actively work on one or more of these goals. The most obvious goals for us to tackle are ‘ending poverty’, ‘ending hunger’ and ‘decent jobs and economic growth’, but also ‘women and men alike’, ‘less inequality’ and ‘sustainable consumption and production’ are also on our to-do list. How we address these goals and corresponding sub-goals will be explained in separate blog posts in the coming weeks.